Sunday, April 19, 2009

adaptations of the lungs to gaseous exchange.

Adaptations of the lungs:

.-It has numerous alveoli; that provide large surface area for efficient gaseous exchange.

.- Epithelial lining between the alveoli wall and the blood capillaries is thin to provide a shorter diffusion distance for easy gaseous exchange.

.- The lung is spongy and has numerous that accommodate large volume of gases (oxygen)

.- It is highly supplied with blood capillaries that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the body tissues respectively.

.-Its epithelial lining is covered by a thin layer of moisture to dissolve oxygen for easy diffusion into the blood solution.

.-The lung is connected to a tree like system of tubes (the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles ); that supply oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide from the lungs.

.-The whole lung is covered with the pleural membrane which is a gas tight thus changes in the pressure within the lungs can occur without external interference.

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